Monday, July 10, 2006

Zoomerang Survey

Hi Everyone!
I am assuming you all survived the great footy match between Australia and NZ last Saturday night? Wasn't it a great match!! Too bad the Kiwi's were just that much better than us - that time :-) - But we'll see on the next round, huh? Congratulations to our Kiwi members. You were just too good for us that time. We'll see who wins the next bout though hey?

Matt Stevens has become our friend and his Construction Contractors Digest I would put in the category as "Advised Reading" It is important to stay industry current no matter what Trade you are. This digest provides a wider view of what's happening and I'm an avid reader every month. There is a survey in this months digest that may help you so I've blogged it for your convenience.

His book "Managing a Construction Firm on just 24 Hours a day" which is due for publication on 27th September will be available through Constructing Profits so mark your diaries now.

Hope you all have a profitable week and remember to watch OH&S practices. I am hearing of too many 'slip-ups' due to trying to take shortcuts. You'll get the job done faster if you only have to do it once - and that's the right way!

Jan - ConstructingProfits

1 comment:

SurveyTool said...

Thank you so much for posting this. I have now completed the survey!