Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Customer Retention will save you Money & Time

Customer Retention: Customer Retention Plan, Customer Retention Formula, Customer Acquisition Retention, Customer Retention Rates | Customer Retention Program
Hi Everyone,

It's been a few days since I blogged and that is because I have been rather busy on your behalf! I have found a few new products that will assist you to save some money on petrol (gas for those who are in the US!) but I want to trial it first just to make sure it lives up to its promises. In todays world of high fuel prices this one will become a necessity - but more on that later!

This is a very good site full of free marketing information that is well-worth your time to read. It covers the broad aspects of marketing a business - any business - and ideas that everyone can easily implement. I would suggest to bookmark it and read little bits often.

Jan - ConstructingProfits

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