Sunday, August 06, 2006

The National Memory Test

The National Memory Test
Hi Folks,
Well, its early Sunday morning and I'm just reading through my emails. I'd like to welcome our new members and hope you enjoy and have a pleasurable learning experience with us.

I should say 'welcome' more often to our new members because we are a growing community of all sorts of Contractors working in the Construction Industry. That is why when I wake up every morning I love firing up my sleeping computer to see who has arrived overnight. It really is exciting! And I consider it a responsibility too. Why?

Because it means that you guys trust me to deliver interesting and informative info. Info that will save you time and earn you dollars - and that is my prime responsibility and why I do this. Besides, I love sharing what I know.

But you also need to be able to remember what you read here and how to apply the new knowledge so here's a memory test that is currently being run here in Australia for Science week. So, how good is your memory?

Have fun while finding out! :-)


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