Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Buildata - Building Australia Online

Buildata - Building Australia Online
G'Day Everyone,

While searching through the Internet this morning looking for information I came across this website and thought it could be of great interest to many of you. I have requested a link for our site on their links page and discovered they will soon be changing their name to www.ehome.com.au So please note the name change for future reference.

I know you don't have time to go and find these things for yourselves, so as I come across them, I'll blog them - all you have to remember to do is visit regulary to see what I have found for you! :-) At least my weekly email will act as your reminder - so don't forget to click through to the blog even if you don't have time to read the freemiums.

Information in todays world is vital to give you that "edge" that all businesses need - not only to dominate your Trade / competition but to find new ways to save money and time.



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