Thursday, July 20, 2006

Welding Secrets Revealed

Welding Secrets Revealed
Hi Everyone,

I've been a bit slako this week. Sorry! Truth is, I've been doing a lot of research through the 'net to see what I could find in the way of DIY info for the DIY market. I found this info and thought it could be of interest to those of you who are into the DIY phase.

Over the time I have been working with you blokes I know that there are many of you 'out there' who do the same as everyone else and attempt to do your own work. No-one's blaming you - the old saying "A penny saved, is a penny earned" has a lot of merit. I'm all into saving money wherever I can too. But it can still get you into strive every-now-and-then, right? :-)

Welding is one of those things that can get you into trouble real quick so I thought I would let you know - that there is someone out there who knows like I do that the DIY home-handyman market is just waiting for some videos/info packs from you professionals as to how to do these jobs.

Enjoy and remember to take all the right safety precautions,

Jan - ConstructingProfits

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