Thursday, July 06, 2006

Housing Industry Association

Housing Industry Association
Hi Everyone,
Congratulations to the Maroons for a great game well-won and a sincere thanks to the Blues for a great effort. OK, so I may live in NSW but I have supported the maroons for many years.

The best footy story I've ever heard was when I was in PNG. Up there, they take our "game of Origin" football match very,very seriously. THe best yarn I heard was when one team won the annual match one year and his wife was baracking for the other. His team lost so he threw his TV out the window! Literally! Picked it up and tossed it.

OK, I'm not THAT serious but I do enjoy watching the game when it's well played like it was again last night.

Speaking of team effort, are you a member of the HIA? If not a member, its always good to stay current with what's going on in our industry.


If you have a mate who could do with a hand at marketing, please feel free to send him over to our site.

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