Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Kissoft Project Wed 28 Jun 06 :: 1:13:49 pm

Wed 28 Jun 06 :: 1:13:49 pm

Hey, Good News Everyone!

The nice people at Kissoft have given our Construction Contractors a special deal until the end of July 2006. How good is the deal? Well, you will have to send an email to find out but take it from me, it's worth while doing. It is a good deal.

Kissoft is a great programme that is certified to integrate with MYOB so you can now cut-down on double-doing. Believe me, its a good programme and it will save you heaps of time and frustration. Just think of those BAS statements!!! Any Estimating accounting package integrated and always up-to-date will have to be a considerable time saver for you.

As 55-60% of our members use the MYOB programme as their accounting package of choice, to have an estimating programme that integrates saves you a LOT of time.

Be kind to yourself and give yourself an end-of-financial-year present that you can claim the cost back immediately if you spend the purchase money this financial year :-))


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