Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Building Apprenticeships and why they are needed

I was listening to the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) early this morning and was horrified to learn what the speaker/interviewee (sorry...can't remember his name. Hey, it was just after 4am!) and they were discussing the state of skilled workers in Australia.

Did you know, that the ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) classify anyone who works for 1 hour per week (yes, 1 hour...that's not a typo!) is classified as employed? Isn't that disgusting! One hour...

Based on this knowledge, can you even guess at how many Australians should probably be on the unemployed list because they sure as heck aren't earning enough money to live on no matter how hard they try!

In fairness to Australia and the ABS, this is now the world standard for measuring economic unemployment figures around the world. This is how the financial analysts and financial controllers classify populations and economic data. Beggars the question really doesn't it, just how many people in our western societies are really gainfully employed? No wonder our credit debts are so high and out of control!

The one thing he did say would be a good idea to manage the 'supposed' skill shortage here in Australia that I agreed with him on was to re-instate apprenticeships back into our public works offices. 

Apprenticeships are best served by a young population who don't yet have the responsibilities and costs of providing for a family. But as things stand right now, many of the apprenticeships are going to older recipients because they are seen as being more stable and have acquired life skills. As an employer, if you are going to train someone from the get-go and have a choice of no knowledge or some knowledge, I know which one I would prefer. And I'm sure I'm not alone in that choice.

Building apprenticeships are needed right across the country and it makes more sense for more dollars if they can access the training early.

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