Thursday, October 19, 2006

Now this is seriously good Advertising!

Hi everyone,

As some of you may already know, I went to a marketing seminar in Sydney last weekend. It was absolutely brilliant and I learnt so much.

I will shortly be able to put a live chat section on our website so you can have free access to me to ask whatever marketing / business question you would like to have answers to. This is a free service to you because I want to be able to help you grow your business and earn more profits while working less hours. I have a lot of great ideas, products and resources and I want to know which ones would be of most help to you. I decided the best way was to find a way to simply ask you by talking with you personally.

The next thing after that to happen on our site is video. You will be able to receive videos from me ~ and emails still ~ so we will be able to communicate much better on a wider scale. And I'll be able to show you how you too can add video to your websites. It is my belief (based on what I picked up at the seminar) that in the next 1-3 years 30-60% of all information received on the Internet will be via video. Big call but the groundswell has gathered momentum where it is no longer "just something that the nerds do" but is readily and easily available for all. If anyone is interested in learning more, then here is my affiliate link: and if you just click on it, you can read all about it for yourself. Because I haven't yet had a chance to put that link into one of my pages, please don't share it around. It's just for you.

Can you think of how having your very own video infomercial could skyrocket your profits? My mind boggles at the opportunities that this technology opens up for us! As with everything I offer to you, I always trial things first ~ so, 'watch this station' ~ I've always wanted to say that :-)

An update on the 'petrol pills'. Frankly, I'm seriously impressed with them. I'm getting an extra quarter tank from each fill-up and my little Toyota Starlet has so much 'zing' that when I went up to Brisbane 3-4(?) weeks ago, I was travelling along on the M1 motorway and was passing one of those "B"-Trains that travel between Sydney-Brisbane daily - when I noticed the car was rocking ~ like it does when there's a strong wind blowing~ and I looked about to see from the trees which direction it was blowing from. Well, the trees weren't moving. I looked down at my speedo and I was doing 130. Blimey! I nearly had kittens~ because I didn't have my foot hard on the accelerator at all. My little green mean-machine was hurtling along much faster than I was comfortable with. But if I was doing that just to pass a "B"-train, how fast must he have been travelling? I know, there's no excuse but I did wonder.

In short, I highly recommend trying out the 'petrol pills' for yourself and you can access them here:

Now don't go trying to break that safety glass to get the cash out. Isn't it good advertising though? That's what is called demonstrating your product confidently.

Look after yourselves everyone,

Jan -ConstructingProfits

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