Saturday, August 12, 2006

Fuel Freedom International

Fuel Freedom International
Hi Everyone,

I was at the bowser last week and filled up my "little green mean machine" - and nearly had a fit. The cost was just under $20:00 more than what it once used to take so I knew I had to really look to see what, if any alternatives, may have been available. I think I've mentioned in a previous email to you all that I was investigating ways in which to save on fuel costs.

Well, there is a way and you can read all about it here. If anyone wants to read more information about this space age technology, then contact me direct for an independednt.pdf report by a highly recognized and ex-NASA scientist who carried out his own tests to disprove the technology only to find he couldn't because it actually works.

I'm just trying to help you blokes save some of your hard-earned money and build a more profitable business. After all, when you succeed (particulary if you have adopted some of the marketing advice from these pages!) - then I succeed too. And believe me, I do believe in succeeding by helping others to succeed-it's the only long-term way to success and I intend to be here for the next decade and a half - at least! God Willing, of course :-)

Did you see the photo I uploaded of that VERY UGLY fish? - Perhaps he's had his teeth into the fuel trough for too long! LOL

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