Friday, August 11, 2006

Another week-end

Hi Everyone,

Well, another week has passed and the weekend has arrived. I hope you all have allocated some time out for yourselves this weekend? Time out to relax and enjoy life is an essential if you are to continue running a successful and profitable business.

A fishing friend (fishing fiend more like! LOL) has just sent me a photo of the ugliest fish I have ever seen in my life! Fair dink, if I had caught that I reckon I would have been 'foot-flapping' so hard I wouldn't have needed a motor in the boat.

I'll see if I can upload it but I may not be geeky enough -

My week has gone well too. This week I was inducted into the Alstonville Rotary Club where I will be happy to serve my community in whatever way the President decides I may be of assistance. I have been asked to serve on Community Service where I will be happy to do so - after all, that's why I wanted to join so I could give something back to my community.

Rotary also has a Polio erradication programme called PolioPlus. Now if I can contribute in whatever way I can to rid the earth of this horrendous disease I will die happy. Have you ever seen someone who has had this wretched disease? It leaves people paralysed.

Now, I'll see if I can upload that fish photo - may have to do it to the photo section so try to have a look. Please don't blame me though if you ever get an aversion to swimming in the sea again! Believe me, I'll be trying to never think of it again - especially if I'm treading water. LOL

Cheers all,

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