Monday, August 28, 2006 - Refrigeration & Air Conditioning - Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Hi Everyone,
I hope you all have had a nice weekend. I have too - I took some time out and went away for a few days with a friend exploring the towns around me. It's funny, isn't it, how we all seem to 'put off' doing these touristy things until we have friends come for a visit?

But then I got back to work this morning and was delighted to find a message from one of our group who provided his website address to me in his email signature. Excellent marketing! But they have gone even further and have a really top-notch website for his trade. So good, in fact, that I have blogged it for everyone to see - so I strongly recommend you click on over and have a squizz - perhaps even drop him a line and say "G'Day" - from your website to his so it increases page relevance for both of you. These links are what increases page rank in the search engines for both of you.

The higher your page rank in the search engines, the more free traffic you get. All websites have to have traffic. If you have no traffic, your website is unlinked and is left floating in cyberspace. It is this 'cyberjunk' that the search engines are in the process of removing in order to provide more relevant results for their organic search results.

I know all this is probably terrribly confusing for you - it is for nearly everyone. It is commonly referred to as "information overload" but I am in the process of clearing up a lot of this stuff for you with a new book. Seeing as you are already a member of you will receive advanced notice of its release and a special offer. But help is on it's way - so "don't sweat the small stuff" as one of my mentors constantly says to me!

Anyway, congratulations David and all at on a well done website.


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