Monday, July 31, 2006

Media Release

Media Release
Hi Everyone,
I hope you all had a nice weekend. I was in Brisbane last weekend for a seminar. It was a very interesting seminar and i learnt a lot. I really do advise attending seminars whenever you can because you learn things that never get discussed otherwise and you have a chance to network. This networking helps form strong industry bonds and friendships that can last a lifetime.

As you know, water is fast becoming a golden commodity. Over the coming years Australia has to make some hard decisions as to how we are going to handle our looming water deficiency. This article from Sydney Water is what I suspect to be the first of many such ideas.

Perhaps our catch-cry could be "Save a dollar, stop a drip". Perhaps if this was practiced as a sobriety test at the local pub it could catch on. It could certainly end up with some interesting and memorable abreviations! My mind boggles....LOL....


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