Thursday, July 27, 2006

Group Training Australia - Apprenticeships and Traineeships made easier

Group Training Australia - Apprenticeships and Traineeships made easier
Hi Everyone,

Last night at Rotary our guest speaker was a field Officer from the EastCoast Group Training centre. I already knew about these group apprenticeship schemes but was quite surprised to see that not a lot of others did. So it got me thinking that there are probably many of you out there who aren't aware of what they could offer you too.

I remember when I started in the Building Industry how we had Apprentice Masters and all the hassles that some of the apprectices caused. Many of you have probably done your apprecticeships too through a later version of the apprenticeship schemes but in todays world, many of the hassles have been removed and are now taken care of by others who's sole purpose is to look after apprentices.

So, as Australia is lacking in skill shortages, some of you may be interested in helping to train an apprentice? If so, I would suggest contacting your nearest Group Training Office and having a chat with them. I'm quite sure they would be quite delighted to hear from you.

Warmly as always,

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