Friday, May 05, 2006

Michael Cheney's AdSense Videos

Michael Cheney's AdSense Videos

Have you ever been 'stuffing' around, trying to find your way through a maze of information?

I have for the past 9 months. Understanding coming to me in dribs 'n drabs, learning, learning and more learning!

Then comes that EUREKA moment when the sun shines again. The dawning of understanding!

For anyone interested in making a passive income on the 'net, one that will go on and on for ages....

The way to go is with Google Adsense.

So many people haven't even heard about Google Adsense, others have but have not taken advantage of it while others have pursued knowledge and understanding of it. I fall into that last category.

But yesterday Michael Cheney brought out his Adsense videos and the light of understanding finally dawned for me.

Now, as promised I would always do for you guys, when I found something of interest and something that will benefit someone or everyone, I would pass on the knowledge.

Well it is. Another string to your bow. Another way to make your website pay for itself or, to form a foundation for your retirement.

Happy watching everyone!

Jan - constructingProfits

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