Saturday, May 06, 2006

Sat 6 May 06 :: 6:25:08 pm

I have been so impressed with Michael Cheyney's Adsense videos that I have devoted the first page of my new website to it!

I would appreciate feedback please on this website. Do you like the colours, copy, layout or do you think it looks 'crummy'?

Personally, I like it. I think my web guru has done a terrific job! But I am biased :-)

So, now you know what I've been working on the past two days. Have you been working too? I hope so but not too hard! One of the things wants to share with you are ways to get better hourly rates so you get some time off with your families.

The kids love it when parents attend their sporting matches with them and barrack for them and/or their teams. These become the things they talk about years later as adults with you around the kitchen table. Mind you, if you 'goof' up on these occasions you will be hearing about it for the rest of your life!

I remember the time my parents took me to this super-duper sale of farm machinery. Back in those days (before banks became the problem they are today!) and people sold voluntarily because they had decided to do something else, these sale days were very social affairs! Everyone dressed up, our Dad's put on their moleskins and Akubras and kids were expected to be on their best behaviour. Which, of course, ah hum....

Well this particular day for our picnic lunch, Mum decided to make a pineapple meringue pie. Which she used to make to perfection, I might add. I still can't make them like she could and I have tried a few times. But this particular day she forgot to pack plates and spoons to eat it. So, there we all were, sitting around on a tartan picnic blanket...dropping pineapple pieces and meringue all over our good clothes!

Oh, what a sticky afternoon that was!

So, even the best of us goof up sometimes so if it has happened to you today...forget it. The kids will remind you anyway for the rest of your life so why should you have to remember it :-)

Hope you all have a great weekend and a very prosperous week to come.


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