Monday, April 17, 2006

The simple things still work the best!

Isn't it reassuring to know that there are still some simple things that work the best?

Contractors who spend their working life working outdoors have to protect themselves more than the average 'joe blow' against the ravages of the elements. There is no excuse these days for construction contractors not wearing all the necessary protective clothing,sunscreen, hat and sunglasses.

But even that isn't enough to always protect us against eye disease.

But it does help to lessen the work of good Doctors like these who are researching cures for damaged eyesight.

Let's help them, and ourselves, by doing the simple things to protect ourselves.... like wearing protective clothing, sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses.

So go check it out: OptusNet News and remember to:
slip (on a shirt)
slop (sunscreen on)
slap(on a hat) and
wrap (those "sunnies"around those beautiful eyes of yours!)


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