Saturday, April 29, 2006

Advertising in the Yellow Pages

I listened in on a very interesting Teleseminar yesterday morning by Michael Hepworth of the who interviewed Dick Larkin. Dick is one of the best known guru's on Yellow Pages advertising and the info was well researched findings from years of studying the ads in the Yellow pages.

There is too much to cover in this short blog but I'll cover it all over the coming days because I think it is that important to every Trade Business.

The Yellow Pages is probably the ONLY place that every Trade Business around the world should be advertising in. Here are 3 things that every advertiser should know:

Rule no. 1 : Be unique. Don't follow 'the herd' and advertise the same way as everyone else in your Trade. Stand out from the crowd.

Rule No. 2: Identify yourself. A person who has a problem is the person who is reading through the Yellow Pages looking to find someone to fix their problem. They don't know you from Adam, so clearly identify yourself and what you can do for the person to fix their problem. That's all they want to know about you.

Rule No. 3: When people are looking for someone to fix their problem, the part of the brain they are operating on is called "the Reptilian" part of their brain. This area deals with basic instincts; the fight or flight of survival. The reader of the Yellow Pages has a problem they need/want fixed so that is their driving motive. If you want to 'snag' that customer, you have to let them know that you will and can, fix their most immediate need.

If you found this blog interesting, then please forward it on. There are many, many Trade Businesses who are wasting their money on Yellow Pages Ads that simply don't work.


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