Monday, February 21, 2011

Overseas workers targeted for Queensland flood rebuilding program

Overseas workers targeted for Queensland flood rebuilding program: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

The rebuilding of Queensland Australia is an enormous job. There is so much work to be done here to repair the catastrophic flood damage caused by the one in 200 year floods that inundated 75% of Queensland.

Houses, Mines, Industrial estates, roads, railway lines, port facilities all have to be rebuilt ASAP.

Queensland URGENTLY needs as many qualified tradespeople as we can get hold of!

As if the floods didn't do enough damage, the category 5 tropical cyclone Yasi came along and had a go at finishing off the rest. Our "beautiful one day, perfect the next" climate decided to make us pay for the privilege of living in such a beautiful environment. So we are paying and if you want a job, why don't you come and earn some of the proceeds? You may as well benefit too while rebuilding our beautiful state?

Besides, once you get here, you may decide never to go home again. Bring the family with you and stay won't regret it, guaranteed :-)

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