Monday, September 25, 2006

Summer is here!

Hi Everyone,

Just a very quick blog today before I forget what I wanted to remind you of - Summer!
This is the time to do a really good advertising idea for Australians and that is 'stubby coolers'.

As you all know, a drink (either beer, soft drink or any other cool drink) gets warm very quickly unless it is wrapped in a stubby cooler, right? The dew off the glass makes a mess on the table too. But who wants to drink a luke warm drink on a hot summers day? Not me and I'm betting you'd prefer not to too.

So get those stubby coolers out there with your name and contact details on them. Imagine having one of your stubby coolers on every building site in your town? And the other good thing is that they last for years and years - ongoing advertisng - that isn't going to break the bank.

Get them into the local clubs and pubs, give them to your mates on site and watch how many times they use them!

When I did this form of advertising in Darwin, fifteen years after they were still sitting on people's fridges - and still being used if not daily, weekly - summer and winter!

If you live in a cold climate and you are just now coming into winter, the polystyrene foam also acts as an insulator for hot drinks too!

But in Australia they are an essential for summer - so provide your customers with a usuable product and they'll think even more often of you and your business.

Warmly, (no pun intended :-))
Jan -

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