Thursday, September 07, 2006

Last Night I saw the Future way our homes will be built

Welcome to Duraplas
Hi Everyone! ~ "I'm baaack"
The Network group meeting in Brisbane last Tuesday was full of ideas and information. I will be sharing much of this with you all in the new articles I will be putting up in the 'freemiums' section later this week so be sure to go in and have a read!

You all know my penchant for environmentally friendly and sustainable building practices - well - last night I was enthralled with what I had the privilege of seeing first hand. My prediction is that it will become the way we build future homes.

Ajay Fibreglass are the manufacturers of the Duraplas water tanks and their new worldwide, patented underground tank is what I see being used in all slab foundations. I have dreamt of using this method for water storage and to now see it being done made my spirit soar! At last, a way to not only conserve and store water but a way to use water to insulate our homes!

By using water as insulation via storage tanks isn't yet done but it is just around the corner. Can you imagine a home where the water acts as insulation as well as for all household needs?

This is a Brilliant, ABSOLUTELY brilliant - idea and I wish them every success with this wonderful - and long overdue - solution towards solving some of our water problems.


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