Saturday, August 19, 2006

O.H&S on the job site

Hi everyone,

I have been keeping an eye on a job site just up the road from me. I talk to the guys there everyday and am greatly impressed with the speed (and care) they are now taking with the project of 8 new units.

When they first started the project, they put up a high wire fence anchored at the base with great clumps of concrete. Pity help any foolish teenage full of too-much-bravado who decided to climb it - as they are want to do! It would have been an OH&S disaster! And yes, the builder would have been to blame because he didn't have the fence posts secured at the top. But they are now. That was an accident waiting to happen - so why take any chances?

The other thing I'm pleased to note about the job site are the notices on that same fence advertising the various businesses involved in each section. Top marketing to those contractors - they will always be busy!


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