Monday, May 22, 2006

ALTERNATIVE ENERGY BLOG - Site Agreed for Australian Solar Tower, Plans for Solar Tower in China

ALTERNATIVE ENERGY BLOG - Site Agreed for Australian Solar Tower, Plans for Solar Tower in China
Hi Everyone,

When PM John Howard returns from this overseas jaunt, we Australians (according to recent press reports about his latest speeches to other parliaments around the world) will be subjected to a debate on Nuclear energy V's other forms of renewable energy.

I think we all need to sit up and have a bit of a think about our energy needs and resources and about how they will affect our future energy needs and our environment.

Yes, Australia is a Uranium rich country but should we sell it off for the almighty dollar to those who choose to use it as against more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy sources?

My biggest concern about Nuclear energy is the waste product. If we already have identified a serious problem about the energy source but haven't as yet found a reliable and safe solution to the problem, then we don't have to think much further about possible consequences.

Persoanlly, I think we should be looking to work with Nature and what has been provided naturally for our benefit before we go playing "God" just to make our "bottom line" look better for the next election.

What are your thoughts on this? If our contractors don't start thinking about this, someone amongst us will be building these Nuclear power stations and how would you like to build something that you already 'know' is not going to benefit the majority? In fact, could end up killing many....doesn't bear thinking about, does it? So let's think about it at this end of the debate, not after the decision has been made.

Anyway, why do we really need one big supplier of energy? Why can't we be proactive like Gympie in Qld. and build energy from a locally growing product. They have provided their energy for their town through using the shells from the Macademia Nuts they grow. That way it is a way of disposing of the shells and providing power for their town.

I think that solution to two problems is quite brilliant.


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